Famous Orphans

Short Book Series

"weird little books"

Hello. We're looking for short novel or novella-length fiction. Do you have something that doesn't fit anywhere particularly well?

Maybe a lumpen little monster you threw in a drawer after it bit you?

Or maybe some piece that just doesn't fit into its clothes? We like to have fun, we like voice-driven stuff, and we like short books with a lot of ideas.

We’re Cosmographia Books, a small press that’s been around since 2015. The Famous Orphans series, curated by Daniel Herd, aims to make "weird little books."

Submission Guidelines:

  • 20,000–40,000-ish words

  • Word doc or pdf of full manuscript

  • Cover letter in body of the email: Give us 500 words (max) on what it's about and what it's like (that is, what's the experience of reading it). No need to go beat by beat but give us a sense of the piece and maybe what kind of reader would like it. ALSO, please let us know where you heard about us.

  • author bio (150 words) in body of the email

  • Simultaneous submissions: of course! But please let us know if it's been accepted somewhere else.

All submissions and questions about submissions should be sent to:

Subject line: Famous Orphans Submission: [Name of Piece]


Series Editor

Daniel Herd curates the Famous Orphans short book series and has been an integral part of the literary community in Rochester, NY, for over a decade. He previously worked as Director of Adult Programs at Writers & Books Literary Center and as Assistant Producer for the Rochester Fringe Festival. A Penn State English graduate, Dan brings a deep love of literature to his editorial work—one reflected in his voracious reading and thoughtful engagement with storytelling across genres.


Nina Alvarez is the founder and publisher of Cosmographia Books (est. 2015), a small press dedicated to publishing "soulful books" that explore the intricate landscapes of human experience across multiple genres. With 16 titles to date, including the historically significant Lesbian Love by Eve Adams, Cosmographia embraces diverse voices and bold storytelling.

Alvarez is also the creator of Dream Your Book author services (est. 2009), through which she has guided countless writers through the publishing process. With nearly 25 years of publishing experience, she has overseen the publication of 50+ books and literary journal issues, including the nationally recognized Canvas Teen Literary Journal. She received the 18-month Creatives Rebuild New York grant for her work as a culture creator and writer.